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The freedom & challenges of living in a camper

Converting buses into campers has recently become quite popular in Poland. Buses transformed into mobile homes have become a way of traveling for many tourists. Some people even decide to make a van their permanent home. But is it really possible to fit your entire life and live in a...

The freedom & challenges of living in a camper

Converting buses into campers has recently become quite popular in Poland. Buses transformed into mobile homes have become a way of traveling for many tourists. Some people even decide to make a van their permanent home. But is it really possible to fit your entire life and live in a camper?
The freedom and challenges of living in a camper

Converting buses into campers has recently become quite popular in Poland. Buses transformed into mobile homes have become a way of traveling for many tourists. Some people even decide to make a van their permanent home. But is it really possible to fit your entire life and live in a camper?

Is camper life for you?

Most people prefer the stability of an actual house and decide to spend most of their lives in one place. But for those who wish to live differently and don’t see themselves sprouting roots anywhere for too long, living out of a camper van makes perfect sense.

The internet provides thousands of articles and testimonies from people who actually made living in a van a reality for themselves.

However, it is worth remembering that this type of lifestyle comes with some sacrifices. Even the most luxurious vehicle has very limited space, and every corner has to be optimized – especially if you will be sharing it with someone else. Life in a van also poses other technical problems like: heating, constant replenishment of drinking water, gas, and sewage disposal. Well, that is just the price you have to pay for complete freedom.

Life in a camper – what should you pay attention to?

Living in a camper is definitely very different from normal life at home. Not everyone will be willing to take on such a challenge, but for some it may prove to be an interesting alternative life option. If you you are up for the challenge, here are some things you should consider before you decide to move into a van.

Energy solutions

Modern campers can stand any weather and are equipped with heating and air conditioning to provide shelter from both the heat and the cold. The most common heating systems installed in campers use gas  Gas is a very important source of energy in a camper. It’s used for heating, cooking,  warming up the water or powering up equipment eg. a fridge. Gas is most often supplied from a cylinder, which can be a problem on a longer trip. Every country has a different connection standard. It is worth getting prepared in advance and installing one large cylinder under the car, which we will refill at LPG stations.

Lose some weight

Good organizational skills are essential if you want to live in a camper.. When you live in a car, every square meter of space matters, and a transition to a more minimalist lifestyle might be necessary. As much as it can be painful, getting rid of things and only keeping those most useful and most important to you, can be liberating.

However, if you find it hard to part from some of your belongings and generally prefer more spacious surroundings, a specially built modern camper can provide storage and enough space for a couple people to use and comfortably live in.

Gourmet cooking in a van

Forget about outdoor stoves and instant food. A camper or van can fit a small, but fully functional kitchen, with a gas or induction oven, some counter tops and cabinets, a microwave or even a coffee machine. When you chose to decide to move into a mobile house, you don’t need to compromise your diet. A well designed vehicle will provide enough space for you to store, prepare and serve your favourite, balanced meals.

A mobile power plant

A decent quality RV  has two additional batteries that provide enough energy to supply all the equipment other than the engine. If you are interested in more environment-friendly solutions,you can instal a solar panel on the roof, even if only for supplementary power supply.. With these improvements, you can enjoy a comfortable amount of energy, that will keep your lights on and your devices charged.

Try it first

Choosing to live in a trailer, and picking a different spot to stay each time can seem scary, or even impossible. If the idea seems tempting, but you’re not completely convinced if you could commit, you could try it out on a shorter trip.

Going on vacation in a camper will appeal to people who like to be spontaneous and do not want to be traveling on a tight schedule. When you are on a roadtrip, you don’t have to worry about tickets and accommodations. You have everything you need with you, and you can choose to stay whenever and wherever you want. If you’re a free-spirited traveller, you will love the laid-back van life.

Is it worth the challenge?

Living in a camper comes with all sorts of challenges. Yet, the things you gain in exchange make it worth it for many people to move their lives into portable homes on wheels. Choosing life on the road is an amazing opportunity to see many places one after another, and have complete control over where and how long you stay. It is a major life choice that requires flexibility and open-mindness, but in return offers ultimate freedom and independence. There will be days when you will have to put in some extra work into maintaince or planning your route, but your effort will always be rewarded with a beautiful view and an adventure every day.

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